If you’ve tried the very FIRST Testimonial Challenge then you KNOW how successful it can be in engaging the customers in your Facebook group. I mean, check out this message I got from Lindsay Hamm…


Hey girl! So I just wanted to let you know that the testimonial challenge created a TON of engagement in my group! I can’t thank you enough!

Lindsay Hamm, Presidential Diamond

Seriously, right?!

Due to the overwhelming excitement I received from many more of you about the success of the first Testimonial Challenge launched in March, I thought it would be super fun to launch another one!

This time, a bit different.

This time, a bit shorter.

This time, a way to introduce customers to products they may not know about (instead of oils!).

And guess what? When they see what OTHERS have to say about the new-to-them products, they’ll want to try them too!

So here’s what I came up with for the next Testimonial Challenge:

A Supplements Challenge!

Testimonial Challenge #2 – Supplements

Raise your hand if any of dōTERRA’s supplements have changed your life.

That’s what I thought.

And to you that didn’t raise your hand, start with Terrazymes.

I’ve noticed in my own customer group that so many of the customers didn’t ever bother venturing out past their knowledge of oils. So many of them were already using supplements from a health food or drug store (poor things), so it was time to get them to save some money and use their memberships to get supplements instead.

You can’t beat getting your supplements delivered right to your door, PLUS getting free points (equaling free oils) in the process.

This challenge goes hand-in-hand with the discussion of LRP. It supports LRP and helps it make clear sense to our customers.

But My Customers Aren’t All on Facebook…

Do you have the same problem I have? Not all your customers are on Facebook to receive continued education on their oils?

Are you having trouble getting people to agree to a wellness consultation once they’ve received their oils?  I’ve solved those problems for you, too.

Automated emails.

How much more TIME would you have if you automated your testimonial challenge for those not on Facebook? How much better educated would your customers be if they could know just how to use their new oils/supplements/diffusers?

You’d save yourself a ton of time PLUS have well-educated customers coming back for more.

I’ve been working REALLY hard on a step-by-step course just for you to learn this process (which is complicated unless you have someone walking you through it, step by step!). BUT, it’s not completely ready yet.

Want to be the first to be notified when it IS ready? Sign up below! 

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