About Me

Hi, I’m Monica!

Me with my youngest, Cruz, as I place a drop of oil on his hand.
Me with my youngest, Cruz

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a Wellness Advocate just like you. I’m also a life-schooling mom of two amazing boys, a speaker, writer, totally creative person, and plant-promoter.

I was a natural mama from the beginning, but never found the effects of essential oils to be anything close to what I had hoped.

Then I discovered doTERRA.

As an entrepreneur for close to 10 years, I could see the vision of doTERRA. It took almost a year of using the oils myself (I still couldn’t believe they were actually supporting my health struggles, so it took time for me to get over my skepticism!) before deciding I couldn’t keep these a secret. I needed to educate others on their benefits.

I have been a Wellness Advocate since November 2015 and have since founded The doPLANNER with my sister (who now fully owns it), launched a YouTube channel with my kids, Essential Oils Kid, and have been speaking at local training events to support other WAs like you.

I’ve been where you’ve been. I’ve had every objection and every fear that you have had to walk through. Let’s do this together!

My heart is in sharing resources so we can all lift one another. This blog and The Wellness Advocate Distillery shop is designed to support other Wellness Advocates their journey with their doTERRA biz.

Here are my most popular posts:
– The Ultimate Guide to Starting an Essential Oils Business
– How to Involve Your Kids in your Business

Let’s share these oils!

xoxo Monica