I’m not a huge fan of this title. Mainly because we ALL have the same amount of time in a day. That means if Beyonce can rock her life as she does, there’s no reason why we can’t either. She’s not given 34 hours a day instead of our 24. Nope. She just plans her time well and gives priority to those things most important to her. 

What You Mean When You Say You Have No Time

This, my dear friends, is a limiting belief. It’s an excuse (alright, who’s triggered by that one?). What you’re doing when you say you have no time is you’re using that as an excuse to cover up your fears. 

Let’s break this down a bit. What fear are you covering up with your ‘no time’ excuse?

I want you to answer the following questions in your head, on a piece of paper, in the notes on your phone, on a napkin, wherever. 

  • what do I not have enough of (hint, it’s not time)?
  • do I not have enough confidence?
  • do I not have enough will power to stay off social media?
  • do I use distractions as a way to relax?
  • do I not have priority for my dreams?
You can have results or you can have excuses. You can't have both.

By saying you don’t have time for your business, you’re saying your dreams are not a priority.

Tell Me More About Time

I want to give you a teeny little glimpse into my life as an example. I’m a mother and a wife. Priority numero uno. Oh, and I’m a home educator. We life school. That is, my kids learn through all our life adventures instead of at a school. 

I’m the founder of one of Canada’s biggest vegan food festivals, which brings in around 10,000 people in its annual event.

I run three (yes, 3 – this is 1 of them) blogs and co-host monthly training events for about 100 Wellness Advocates in our area. 

The most common thing I hear from people is: “Where do you find the time???”

I’ll tell you something, friends. It wasn’t under my bed and it wasn’t hiding in my closet. It was being super clear about my priorities and making a plan. 

I’m not sure why this overwhelms people when they are told to make a plan. I mean, you wouldn’t take a road trip without planning where you were going, right? Well, I suppose you could. We’ve done that before and it leads to some pretty spectacular memories. 

Now I’m not sharing my big old to-do lists with you to make you feel badly about your own excuses or make you feel judged in any way. I want you to see how crazy possible it is to live the life YOU want.

How to Prioritize Your Time So You Can Get in the Game

Do you love lists? I do, so I’m making you one.

  • First thing in the morning, asses what MUST get done versus what could get done – focus on MUSTS first.
  • Set blocks of time in each of your days and use it ONLY for one thing (eg: follow up, contacting, planning for a class, checking in with current users, mentoring, etc). 
  • Create habits that will move your business forward (self-development, time for you, using blocks for time management).
  • Devote your time to only ONE thing at a time. Studies show multitasking can often cause things to take longer because of your constant break in focus. Who knew!
  • Unless you are on for your business, LIMIT your social media. Don’t use it as a time waster, use it as a business GROWER.
  • Give yourself 15 minutes to finish a task. 

I’m going to leave you with an affirmation to try. Write it on your mirror where you can see if every day or you can download it here.

Time is abundant and I choose to spend it wisely. 

How do you break down your days? What are your best time management tips? I’d love to hear in the comments!

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